Soporte Informático a Empresas

Servicios de Soporte Informático

Remoto y Presencial para Empresas

Recursos tecnológicos y humanos que brindan colaboración remota a tu empresa, resolviendo cualquier contingencia con control y medición del servicio, con inteligencia colaborativa.

Nos aseguramos de brindar un servicio de alta calidad. Nuestro personal especializado está preparado para implementar tecnologías modernas, procesos inteligentes y llevar adelante un seguimiento continuo en cada proyecto.
Monitoreo de Tickets

Sistema Dashboard de Soporte

Plataforma digital para seguir los tickets cerrados, abiertos y en proceso.

  1. In the ‘Item Details’ there is a clickable banner “Support Sys”, which leads you to tickets.
  2. Or you may simply follow this link:
  3. Enter your purchase key and register in the system.
  4. To avoid a confusion, please use your own ThemeForest login in Support System.
  5. Fill out the ticket form.

How to find a purchase key

  1. Open the “downloads” tab in your account.
  2. Find our theme in the list of products.
  3. Click “download” button, and in the drop-down menu select “license certificate & purchase code”.

Recommended Hosting

AncoraThemes offers only the best products and services and recommends them to their customers. One of the most important services is HOSTING. Unlike any cheap hostings that usually have limited resources which causes many problems to the site owners, quality hosting gives a client a fair amount of resources sufficient for any website and any task. By using quality hosting you can rest assured that your site will work smoothly. If you happen to use such hosting with limited resources (e.g. GoDaddy!), you may experience issues with “one-click install” feature. In that case, you are always welcome to contact our support team to get qualified help.

Get more than 30% discount on a hosting plan.

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